An exploration in textiles…

Hello and welcome to quilt culture! My name is Natalie and this is my world. I started sewing at a very young age with my grandmother and began quilting at age 15. I come from a long line of sewing ladies and have had many different sewing jobs and small businesses over the years. I am also now a Yaya to three granddaughters and the oldest has started sewing at my house.

My husband and I relocated to Red Bluff after the Paradise fire and I started a journey to spread my love of quilting and reclaim my life for myself. With 20 years of previous experience, I purchased a long arm for my house and I began quilting mostly for myself and some of my friends, but it wasn’t enough to take me where I wanted to go. My community here began to grow and I continued to share my knowledge with others.

I began a small group at my home with about half a dozen ladies and we met every week. After about a year and a half of moving all my furniture every week I decided to make a permanent space in my home to have small groups. After the Classroom became a reality and I was regularly hosting groups I realized that I could bring more brightness and creativity to my space by selling fabric. I began ordering fabric to start Quilt Culture.

It was unstoppable! I have so many ideas and creative energy from textiles. I can’t pick a favorite color or pattern, I buy fabric that brings me joy and inspires me to create beautiful quilts. I wanted to spread quilting around, I believe everyone can quilt and it should be accessible to anyone. I decided on the name Quilt Culture because a culture is a way a group of people passes down their skills. I want Quilt Culture to be a vehicle for perpetuating the art, craft, and culture of quilt making across the world for future generations.

“Quilting inspires me because you can literally create anything from fabric. You can have an infinite number of people create the same pattern and they will all look unique.”-Natalie Caldwell

Some of my award winning quilts are available to view here please check them out!